Soul Whispering

A Soul Whisperer is someone who can hear and interpret the unconscious of another person when it's pushing to try and communicate with them but that person cannot hear it for themselves.

According to recent neuroscience studies, the conscious accounts for 12% of your world and the unconscious accounts for the other 88%. That means that 88% of what goes on for someone in life happens without them being consciously aware of it. Having such a limited perception of the world means that all of our ‘Why’ questions in life can be answered by the unconscious.

Questions like why do I always meet people with relationship issues? Why can't I ever seem to get my finances sorted? Why can I only get so far with something before it all goes wrong for me and I’m left wondering what did I do wrong? Why does my ex always seem to get away with things that I never could? Why is my boss, husband, wife, partner behaving badly and yet they always seem to come out of the situation unaffected and unscathed?

The answers to all of those questions can be found in your unconscious and they can all be accessed by using the right discovery questions to draw what the unconscious knows to the surface so that the soul can answer. When life feels out of balance, these curiosity questions are the ones that the unconscious wants to answer because it releases all of the background tension that's been stored there without the possibility of release.  

When there is some part of you that is trying to communicate but you can't hear it, soul whispering offers you gentle relief by softly dissolving any tension and clearly interpreting what the soul wants to give you as an answer. By combining developed intuition and card reading, Soul Whispering offers specific insight into the real cause of any conflict and can offer guidance on how best to dodge the emotional fallout of any drama. 

If you would like to find deeper clarity around an issue connected to a specific relationship or family dynamic please click the button below to book your Soul Whisperer Intuitive Reading.


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